Goku in Krilin. Vrnitev h koreninam treninga

Epizoda 75
Pred 5 leti

Goku seeks a sparring partner to train with, but mostly everyone is unavailable. Goku takes Goten's suggestion to ask Krillin, who is still working as a police officer. Krillin is grazed by a bullet during a shootout with a pair of burglars who Goku easily disarms. Krillin declines Goku's offer to spar, having gave up martial arts since he knows he would be no challenge for Goku. But Krillin reconsiders after being chastised by Android 18 and Marin wanting a strong dad. Goku and Krillin leave for Master Roshi's to train as they did when they were children, Krillin still no match for Goku even after the latter wears a heavy suit as a handicap. Roshi senses Krillin's self-doubt and takes a different approach by sending his students on a race to a heavily forested island to recover a rare herb. As a reward, Roshi offers to teach the winner a secret technique that can immensely increase the user's strength. On the island, Goku and Krillin meet Fortuneteller Baba who Roshi recruited to help relay their process. Goku and Krillin proceed into the forest, encountering familiar enemies emerging from a heavy fog.

Kategorija: Shounen

Supermoči Pustolovščina

Naruto the Translator
