Ta boginja je strašljiva

Epizoda 05
Pred 3 leti

In Seimul, Seiya tells Mash and Elulu that they will be his baggage carriers. Mash then offers to take Seiya to the Dragons' Den, but Seiya wants to head to the Divine Realm first. There, Seiya has Mash train with Cerceus, while Ristarte has Elulu train with Hestiaca, the Goddess of Fire. Afterwards, Ristarte accidentally bumps into Valkyrie, the Goddess of Destruction. Noticing how powerful she is, Seiya tells Valkyrie to train him. Valkyrie angrily confronts him until Ariadoa stops her. She then arranges for him to train with Adenela, the Goddess of War. After three days of training, Mash has improved, while Elulu's training has mostly failed due to her having no affinity for flame magic. As the party is about to leave, Adenela asks Seiya if she can come with him. Seiya bluntly rejects her offer. When they finally arrive at the Dragon Village, they are met by Lagos, who escorts them to see Leviae, the Great Mother of Dragons. Leviae shows Mash how to transform into a dragon. When Elulu asks Leviae to show her how to transform as well, Leviae tells her that she is to become the mighty weapon Igzasion instead.

Kategorija: Shounen

Fantazija Isekai

Naruto the Translator
