Kirito, Alice, and Eugeo find themselves overwhelmed by the Genie until Kirito attacks Chudelkin directly. Chudelkin is swiftly defeated by Kirito after a sudden spike in his power through the incarnate arts, which temporarily changed his garments to those of his Aincrad days. This allows Administrator to understand Kirito is not from Underworld, but outside the virtual reality. After some conversation, Administrator summons a creature made of swords, which she calls Sword Golem. Kirito, Alice, and Eugeo find themselves unable to fight against it until Charlotte, the observation unit from Cardinal, changes into a giant spider and holds off the Golem. Eugeo is given instructions to stab the dagger into the hole in the floor. After doing as instructed, a portal opens and Cardinal appears and incapacitates the Golem with a lightning strike, heals Kirito and Alice, and mourns Charlotte's death.
Kategorija: Shounen