Maščevalni "F"! Pretkana past?!

Epizoda 107
Pred 5 leti

As the Third Universe's Maji Kayo (マジ=カーヨ Maji-Kāyo) is effortlessly defeated by Jiren while confronting him and the remaining Pride Troopers, Frost recalls being promised a pardon by Champa if he defeats the Seventh Universe in a humiliating matter. Frost proceeds to go after Master Roshi first with Ribrianne keeping Goku from interfering. Master Roshi is unable to fight back after a failed attempt to use the Evil Containment Wave on Frost. Frost barrages Master Roshi with ki blasts and sends an attack towards Vegeta, which provokes him. Vegeta interferes before Frost can finish Master Roshi. Auta Magetta arrives to reinforce Frost, and the two battle Vegeta. Frost goads Master Roshi into using the Evil Containment Wave on Auta Magetta despite the risk of killing himself. When Master Roshi falls for it, Frost reflects the attack and seals Vegeta into a bottle. With the last of his strength, Master Roshi uses a small ki blast to destroy the bottle and free Vegeta. Vegeta immediately turns Super Saiyan Blue, and Frost flees. Vegeta knocks Auta Magetta off the stage and tells Master Roshi to drop out so he can receive medical attention. Master Roshi jumps off the stage, and he is given a Senzu Bean. Beerus admits that Master Roshi has earned his respect.

Kategorija: Shounen

Supermoči Pustolovščina

Naruto the Translator
